Handheld Thermocouple Probes
Available60 products
Handheld thermocouple probes pair with meters or receivers to deliver accurate temperature measurements for a variety of materials. They measure multiple temperature ranges, and have wire insulation and sensor materials that provide multiple resistance properties. These probes have durable plastic or steel handles, and are commonly used for manual inspection, maintenance, and other general temperature measurements.
Handheld Thermocouple for Surface Applications
These handheld thermocouple probes measure and monitor the surface temperatures of stationary, moving, or rotating surfaces. These probes have handles and are built with different faces to measure particular types of surfaces. Sensors with a flat and circular face measure flat surfaces; sensors with a spring-loaded face measure uneven surfaces; and sensors with rollers measure the temperatures of moving and rotating surfaces. Select probes have straight sensor probes or a 90° bend toward the tip.
Type K Thermocouple
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Handheld Thermocouple for Solid & Semi-Solid Applications
These handheld thermocouple probes measure the temperatures of soft and semi-frozen materials. Also known as insertion probes, they’re built with short or long straight sensors with a sharp or reduced-diameter tip. The pointed tip is used to penetrate and measure the internal temperature of materials. They are commonly used to measure the temperature of molten plastics and rubbers and for recording temperatures in food production, storage, and transportation applications.
Type J Thermocouple
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Type K Thermocouple
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Thermocouple Type: Unspecified
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Handheld Thermocouple for Air Applications
These thermocouple probes measure the temperature of air and gases. Also known as air probes, they’re built with the sensor tip exposed to air flow. The tip is housed in a perforated metal shield that protects it from the elements and ensures accuracy and fast response time. The handle and consistent diameter make them compatible with ducts, grilles, and vents.
Type K Thermocouple
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Handheld Thermocouple for Liquid & Gas Applications
These handheld probes have straight and slim sensors with a fully enclosed or ungrounded probe that’s inserted into liquids, gels, and gases to measure temperatures. Also called immersion probes, they’re built with plastic or metal handles and commonly used in industrial process applications and production environments.
Type J Thermocouple
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Type K Thermocouple
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Bluetooth Handheld Thermocouple for Surface Applications
These handheld thermocouples employ Bluetooth wireless technology, allowing operators to view and analyze data in real time. Users can measure and monitor surface temperatures of stationary, moving, or rotating surfaces remotely for flexibility in hard-to-reach areas and protection in high-temperature environments.
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